vineri, 31 octombrie 2014


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duminică, 9 martie 2014

New week with great sport events

I can hardly wait to follow the highly interesting sport events being held next week. The ski season comes to the end whereas the Formula 1 begins.

The last ski races of the season begin on Wednesday. The best men and women of the ski rankings go to the start for the final downhill. Starting from Wednesday and up to Sunday there will be many races which will bring out the best skiers in each discipline. On battle for the overall title are 4 racers involved. Höfl-Riesch and Fenninger are separated by a tiny number of points whereas Hirscher and Svindal also weite a great final chapter at the end of the winter season. 25 skiers are qualified per discipline for the finals in Switzerland. The ski-resort Lenzerheide will host two races a day because both men and women still have one more race in every discipline (downhill, super-g, giant slalom, slalom). I am sure that ski fans will see the best race kf the season. It's a pity that the new Transylvanian star, Edit Miklos, didn't manage to qualify for the final downhill. Her points were not enough for a place among the best 25 even if she finished 5th the last downhill held in Crans Montana. Anyway, I am sure that her best season is still to come, I believe that she will belong to the very best downhill specialists next year. People start to know her, she has a huge potential and will definitely step on the podium in the future. I wish her all the best!

Another great event of the week is the F1 GP in Australia. The first stage of the season is hosted by Melbourne where big surprises are expected. There are new motors and innovative technical developments. According to the latest tests, Mercedes amd Ferrari are on the top. Red Bull still needs a period of time for improving the new car, experts said. The manager of the team explained how RB constructors were focused on the team title during the last few races of 2013, that's why they began working on the new model too late. Former F1 star, Niki Lauda, is confident that Mercedes drivers are in good shape and the Rosberg-Hamilton pair builds a great team with different driving styles. Further, we should never forget experienced racers öoke Alonso or Raikkonen, in my opinion they form the best pair of the season.

So, let's enjoy the week!

joi, 6 februarie 2014

Csíkiak Szocsiban - új oldal a Facebookon

Kedves sportrajongók!

Nincs nagyobb sportesemény az olimpiánál. Nincs nagyobb álom annál, mint sportolóként részt venni az ötkarikás játékokon. És nincs az a téli olimpia, amelyről hiányozhat csíki sportoló.

Így van ez idén is. Pénteken kezdődnek a játékok, az oroszországi Szocsi kerül rivaldafénybe. Négy csíki sportoló utazott el az olimpia helyszínére: Tófalvi Éva, Szőcs Emőke (mindketten sílövészet), Miklós Edit (alpesi sí) és Kelemen Zoltán (műkorcsolya) fogja képviselni Csíkországot.

Sportolóink viszont nem egy zászló alatt vonulnak fel a megnyitó ünnepségen. Tófalvi Éva zászlóvivője lesz a romániai delegációnak, ő immár ötödik olimpiáján fog rajthoz állni. Mögötte fog tündökölni Kelemen Zoltán, aki műkorcsolyában szeretné elbűvölni a sportág szerelmeseit. A másik két csíki sportcsillag Magyarországot képviseli az olimpián. Miklós Edit ebben a szezonban magyar sítörténelmet írt (12. hely a világkupán), de kitűnő lesíklónk még nem érkezett el a fejezet végére. Szőcs Emőke biatlonban remél jó eredményt, ő Tófalvival együtt Márton Simon tanár úr keze alól került a csúcssportolók körébe. Emőkét Szocsiban egy többszörös olimpikon, a gyergyótekerőpataki Antal Zsolt látja el tanácsokkal.

A Csíkiak Szocsiban című oldal egy gyümölcsöző együttműködés eredménye. A kezdeményező neve Pál-Pál Előd (műsorvezető, tolmács), akit számos nemzetközi sportrendezvény többnyelvű kommentátoraként ismerhettek meg a sportbarátok. Az ötletet támogatta Csíkszereda Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata, így a városvezetés hozzájárulásának köszönhetően megvalósulhatott ez a nemes projekt: megismerhetjük olimpikonjainkat, követhetjük őket, olvashatunk róluk, nézhetjük fényképeiket és napirenden lehetünk a részletes versenyprogrammal. 

Szeretettel meghívok minden sportbarátot, hogy keressen rá a Csíkiak Szocsiban című oldalra, és visszajelzését fejezze ki egy Like-val. Így automatikusan jelentéseket fog kapni minden új cikkről, hírről, eseményről, és követni tudja a csíki olimpikonokat.

Végezetül meg szeretném köszönni Csíkszereda önkormányzatának a támogatást, Önöknek pedig azt, hogy értékelik a munkámat és követik a csíki olimpikonokat. Kívánok mindenkinek jó szurkolást, a sportolóinknak pedig sok sikert! Hajrá csíkiak!

Pál-Pál Előd

sâmbătă, 18 ianuarie 2014

Cheering for the Szeklers in Sochi

I am proud to deliver some great news from the sport's world. The Sochi Olympics are even closer and many of my friends or simply people I know managed to qualify for the supreme sporting competition. The games begin at the beginning of February, there are just few weeks left until the creme-a-la-creme will compete for a precious medal in Russia.

So, there are people from my home region, Szeklerland, who will definitely be there. It's great to know that my county (Hargita/Harghita) sends a signifficant part of the Romanian squad to the 2014 Olympics. Obviously, in my hometown, the coldest place in Romania, it is no wonder that young people start practicing winter sports. Primarily, guys do hockey or skiing, but skating is also popular. And, as we know that the Szeklers are motivated people who are eager to achieve their goals, many of the ambitious athletes manage to accomplish their mission by going to the winter games.

This year, a number of talented persons will do the same. Here are some examples:

Eva Tofalvi (biathlon): the highly-experienced blonde biathlete is the symbol of the Romanian winter sports. She will compete at her fifth Olympics after Nagano, Salt Lake City, Torino and
Vancouver. She is at the end of her career in which she even managed to step on the top of the podium in a World Cup race. Her olympic personal best is the 11th place. This year she had a challenging battle versus her local rival, Reka Ferencz, for getting a boarding card to the Caucasus. Finally, the domestic biathlon association decided in favour of Tofalvi taking her current good form in consideration.

Zoltan Kelemen (figure skating): being qualified for his second Olympics, Zoltan is a magnifficent sportsman who is known exclusively for his performances as a skater. You cannot meet him in clubs, cannot hear a bad word from him and you will always see him behaving like a real professional. He just finished 14th at the euro champs in Budapest and ended his short program on the 22nd position.

Edit Miklos (alpine skiing): the almost 26 year old strength box is a fully talented woman. She started her career as a little kid who never had a real opponent for the first place. She was always dominating, fighting, going further. Edit won all the possible cups and titles in Romania and participated at the Vancouver Olympics representing the country where she was born. Afterwards she chose a new way and started to compete for Hungary. There are many top 30 races in her world cup career, she even caught a 12. place earlier this year. Edit won many international races, came in to the top 20 at the World Champs and sees good chances to set her personal best in Sochi.

Emoke Szocs (biathlon): running for Hungary as well, Emoke is listed for Sochi in the biathlon discipline. She was born in M-Ciuc/Csikszereda and has many domestic titles. She saw better chances in a team without rivals, so she starts for the neighbours. Actually, it has to be mentioned, the Szeklers have Hungarian nationality and thanks to the Hungarian government, now they have the right to ask for the citizenship as well. That's how Miklos and Szocs can compete for the Gulyas' country.

Zsolt Antal, Simon Marton (coaches): having a shining career behind them, the two coaches support their Szekler athletes. Mr. Marton has been training Tofalvi for decades leading her to fantastic results. Zsolt Antal raced at four editions of the Winter Olympics as a cross-country skier before he switched to a new trainer career. He goes to Sochi to prepare the skis of Emoke Szocs.

So, dear friends of sports! There are some friends of mine qualified for the greatest winter hit ever! They will be there in Sochi, so I kindly ask you to cheer for them and say: Hajra Szekelyek! Come on Szeklers!